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To celebrate one of the most popular languages in the world, we're making five of our expert-authored JavaScript courses free every week in December.
12.1 - 12.7
- JavaScript Getting Started
- JavaScript Syntax and Operators
- JavaScript Variables and Types
- JavaScript Arrays and Collections
- JavaScript Proxies and Reflection
12.8 - 12.14
- JavaScript Generators and Iterators
- JavaScript Modules
- JavaScript Objects, Classes, and Prototypes
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Promises and Async Programming
12.15 - 12.21
- JavaScript Security: Best Practices
- JavaScript REST APIs: Getting Started
- Building a JavaScript Development Environment
- Working with JavaScript Modules
- Cypress: End-to-end JavaScript Testing
12.22 - 12.28
- RxJS in Angular: Reactive Development
- Learning Angular from Scratch
- Angular Patterns & Best Practices
- Creating a Living Style Guide with Sass and Vanilla JavaScript
- Uploading Files with a JavaScript REST API
12.29 - 1.4
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The Big Picture
- Developing JavaScript Single Page Applications Protected by Azure Active Directory
- Using React Hooks
- React: The Big Picture
- Designing React Components
Breathe in. Breathe out. Turn your JavaScript frustrations into 3 minutes of Zen.
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Measure your JS skills for free in just 10 minutes. Tweet your results with #JavaScript25, and we'll send you an awesome JS sticker pack.
Web Sekolah Rendah
Join Cassidy as she does a live build to celebrate JavaScript's 25th birthday. Warning: There might be cake.
Blog Sekolah
Join some of the most influential minds in JavaScript for a live discussion on what the future holds for the language.